Stop cultivating positive thinking, psychologists and Reborn authors David Feldman and Lee Kravets say. By artificially cultivating positive thinking in yourself, you are deprived of the opportunity to objectively assess the situation and correct it. Many people believe that positive thinking is the key to a successful future. Nevertheless, not excluding its usefulness in some cases, the authors conclude that positive thinking can worsen an already difficult situation. When people convince themselves that everything will be okay, they stop trying to fix the situation. But when a person tries to look at everything realistically, he learns to calculate the situation, to see possible problem areas. This is not to say that optimism is bad and that positive thinking is never good. Positive thinking becomes dangerous when people begin to believe unconditionally that they can influence the solution of difficult problems or even reach the point of denying the problem. For example, a person gets sick and thinks: “I will think positively, I will endure everything and I will be cured.” If he does not get well, some may feel that he has not tried enough and has not thought positively enough. Thus, all the blame is shifted to the person. But very often little depends on the person. However, in the event of a serious illness, we can think rationally and do our best to find the right treatment. As a conclusion, be prepared in advance for any difficulties, set goals, have plans B, C and D in stock, then no obstacles and troubles in life can unsettle you. ….. more info can be found here «Road to 100k Instagram Followers»!
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